martes, 21 de febrero de 2023


 Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine: one year later

Lenin Fisher

In three days it will be the first anniversary of the start of Russia's Special Military Operation (OME) in Ukraine.

In February 2022, Ukraine was preparing to launch a new offensive against the Donbass republics. Subsequently, they would attack the Crimea and Sevastopol. The United States, NATO and the European Union promoted the coup in 2014, in kyiv. Since then, they began to arm and train the Ukrainian army.

Simultaneously, the Western powers used the Minks Accords and the Normandy Four as a tactic to buy time so they could train and arm Ukraine to the teeth to be the spearhead in the proxy war against Russia. The cynical statements by Merkel and Hollande confirm this game with marked cards, while Russia acted in good faith to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict.

In addition, the collective West developed bio-labs as part of the biological warfare against the Slavic peoples and particularly against the Russian people. More than 40 bio-laboratories were discovered and more than 20,000 documents have been collected that commit the United States to the perverse project.

According to President Putin, Western warmongers have invested more than $150 billion in Ukraine; while the G-7 has only allocated 60 billion dollars to poor countries, between 2020 and 2021. AID has invested more than 20 billion dollars in Ukraine. Western money has been used to buy weapons, ammunition, equipment and to enrich Ukraine's corrupt political and economic elite.

Von der Leyen accepted that the casualties of the Ukrainian army exceeded one hundred thousand troops, three months ago; but that information was deleted from the original video of his statement. Currently it is known that they exceed 300 thousand victims. Throughout this NATO-versus-Russia proxy war, Ukrainian casualties have been at least 10 times more than Russian.

In this NATO war, down to the last Ukrainian, 80% of Ukrainian casualties are effective, that is, lethal. Therefore, only 20% of their casualties are wounded. It is the first time in the history of warfare that such proportions are seen. It has always been said that the wounded in a war are 3, 5 or even 10 times greater than the dead. But never had the number of dead been seen to be four times the number of wounded. Military experts say the explanation lies in the power and efficiency of Russian weapons.

It cannot be left out of mentioning that the war directed by Washington against Moscow, which takes place in the territory of Ukraine, has shown the great advances of Russian military technology. Not in vain can it be assured that it is the war where drones or unmanned aerial vehicles and remote-controlled vehicles have been used and shot down the most.

Most of the Donestk and Lugansk territories are liberated. These republics, as well as the provinces of Kherson and Zaporizhia, proclaimed their adherence to Russia, through referendums with overwhelming and resounding results. The liberation of cities such as Mariúpol and Soledar have had a great impact on the real scene of the war and abroad.

As of today, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukraine's material losses, caused by the Russian army, are as follows: 3,213 drones, 1,043 multiple rocket launchers, 386 aircraft, 210 helicopters, 7,975 tanks and other armored vehicles, 4,185 field artillery guns and mortars, 406 air defense systems (S-300, BUK-M1, Osa), and 8,479 military vehicles destroyed.

The war of Western imperialism and colonialism is not only military. It is also economic and financial. Russia is today the country with the most economic sanctions (aggressions) in history, with more than 10,000 against it (since the days of the Soviet Union). However, the unfortunate sanctions have not had the expected impact. On the contrary, the Russian economy has strengthened, the ruble looks solid, ruble and national currency exchanges with other countries have increased, the dollar has weakened, China and India have become the main customers of Russian energy sources, unemployment has reached a record historical 3.7%, economic blocs such as the BRICS are strengthening and growing, and the Sino-Russian bilateral alliance is stronger than a rock.

Global losses from the war in Ukraine, which the imperialist West shamelessly accepts that they started in 2014, are estimated at $1.6 trillion. Germany alone has lost the equivalent of 4% of GDP. In the United Kingdom it is estimated that the economic losses would correspond to 1,200 dollars for each adult citizen. The global effect is accentuated by the sanctions promoted by the United States, Canada and the European Union, in such a way that in Latin America poverty reached 32% and extreme poverty 13% of the population.

In short, Russia has shown that it does not need the United States, nor Europe, to live. It is impossible to defeat Russia militarily and also economically. Russia, in the 21st century, is fighting at the forefront, once again, against Nazism and international fascism, for its survival and that of all humanity. The world ceased to be the one we knew as of February 24, 2022. Western warmongers know very well that the end of that world has come. the russians again transforming the world, like in 1917 and 1945. Oh, those Russians! Long live Russia! Long live Putin!

Managua, Nicaragua, February 21, 2023.

Lenin Fisher's Writings: Reflections on the Life and History of Nicaragua.